Become a Vendor

Punk Rock Flea Market
Spring has sprung! PRFM returns to the Quality Flea Center April 25-27!
Vendor applications are NOW CLOSED.
Watch this page for upcoming vending opportunities! 


On April 25-27 PRFM packs hundreds of vendors into our underground response to consumer culture, The Quality Flea Center on 15th Ave. E on Capitol Hill. Reject crass commercialism by supporting nearly 200 purveyors of culture, craft and weirdness. To hell with CRAP sold by billionaires on ugly and impersonal websites run by trillionaires- treat yourself the handmade and individually curated sweaters, mittens, moon boots, records, stickers, pot brownies, roller skates, hair creme, gemstones, ceramics, bondage collars, and robot dogs YOU DESERVE!

We do our best to keep the vendor selection process equitable and transparent. We look for the widest possible variety of vendors to sell clothes, music, crafts, art, food, sneakers, skateboards, bondage gear, tattoos, imported knickknacks, electronics, taxidermy, prosthetic limbs, soap, crystals, bike parts, hardware, graffiti supplies, snake oil, droids… we’re very open to new ideas and unique merchandise, though we have a few reasonable limits on what can be sold at our markets, which you can read about here:


We ask EVERYONE who wants to sell at the PRFM to PLEASE complete our online form once it opens and send it back. Submitting this form helps us to organize the space and make sure we have the most equitable assortment of people and goods. Even if you've sold at every market since 2006, spoke with us last December about a work trade, or already bribed our staff handsomely, we still want to simplify our lives by gathering all this info in ONE PLACE. It should take 4 minutes or less, PLEASE DO IT! 

This application DOES NOT guarantee you a vendor space. It is the simplest way for us to see who is interested and available, and to curate an awesome and equitable marketplace. We'll consider every application and let you know about space selection. We try to keep the process fair, so if you sold at a recent PRFM you may not be selected for this one. And vice versa - if you weren't selected for the last market, don't be discouraged, we will seriously consider you for this one. A few things that REALLY HELP your application stand out: 1) Help out with volunteer time! Trade your labor, or just pitch in when there's work to be done. We REALLY appreciate those who help us load out trash or are extra cooperative when a neighbor needs a hand setting up her display. 2) Tell us what makes you unique! There may be other people who sell something similar to you - what makes yours extra awesome?


 Please contact with any questions!